
...like a lamb

March 26th - Keefe Jackson, Frank Rosaly, me @ the Hungry Brain.
April 1 - Weasel Walter/me+ Red Redhead +Rotten Milk VS. Bubblegum Shitface + Pommel @ the Junk Shop (37th and Hoyne) starts at 8. must end by 11. All ages!
April 2 - ICP round robin improvisor meeting with locals. I think I am one of the locals. @ the Hungry Brain.
April 4 - Vandermark, Kessler, McBride, me @ the Empty Bottle.
April 9 - Chicago ESS opening. Vandermark, Bishop, Rammel and I in various solo duo and trio configurations. (New ESS location - 5925 N. Ravenswood).
April 10 - Lightbox Orchestra @ Sylvie's...
Michael Colligan - dry ice; Jim Baker - electronics; Lou Mallozi - electronics; Todd Carter - electronics; Liz Payne - viola; Kevin Davis - cello; Jason Roebke - bass; Darin Gray - bass; Glenn Kotche - percussion; Hal Rammel - sound palette; me - lightbox.


Person L

For the Lightbox on Saturday:

Katie Young - bassoon Allison Chesley - cello; Jason Roebke - bass; Ben Vida - guitar; Michael Colligan - dry ice; Brian Labycz - electronics; Michael Hartman - electronics; Michael Zerang - percussion; Frank Rosaly - percussion; Jen Clare Paulson - viola

http://www.elasticrevolution.com/ for other details
I'll be shooting my mouth off on WHPK Monday night if you are in Hyde Park.
See below for other stuff for this weekend


In like a...

Slug? Well... not really... actually am doing back office work for Fredco and some install work for the MCA.
Then I will resurface cello in hand;
March 17 duos with Jason Solliday at Enemy
March 18 Lightbox Orchestra at Elastic (new space run by the same folks who ran 3030). Personnel coming soon
March 19 Vandermark 5 at Hungry Brain
Then I go back even further underground.