
Fast Citizen's Week!

Proud to announce... it's... Fast Citizen's Week!
(or at least my week!).

Fred Lonberg-Holm's Fast Citizens, with Josh Berman, Aram Shelton, Keefe Jackson, Anton Hatwich, Frank Rosaly

We are working on a new (our third) record. These gigs are part of the process. Come to all three and get a free copy when it comes out and your name in the credits!

For those keeping track; the first record was Keefe’s, the second, Aram’s and this one “mine”. Eventually we all plan to take a turn. As usual though, more than one of us will contribute pieces.

Saturday - 10:00PM (workshop)
at Heaven Gallery, 1550 N Milwaukee, 2nd Fl, 773.342.4597

Sunday - 10:00PM (dress rehearsal)
at the Hungry Brain, 2319 W Belmont, 773.709.1401

Wednesday - 10:00PM (wrap party!)
at the Hideout, 1354 W Wabansia, 773.227.4433

Hope to see you!