Ahhh... gods own holiday. Am in such a good mood I don't even mind all these minor cults gloming on to the big tiny day. Anyway... when you want to contemplate god in its immensity, why not pick the shortest day?Anyway... Since getting back have been spending too much time messing around with a bread board and a few dollars worth of resistors and ic chips and... whatever else has little legs capable of being stuck in the breadboard. Playing the cello takes the rest of the time. Otherwise, the V5 did a few days work recording the pieces we toured with in November (sort of backwards, but... when did any of us demonstrate much shrewdness?). Also, set up a Myspace page. Please come visit!
After the recording session, Vandermark, Daisy, Nate McBride and I have been rehearsing every day for a tour in January as the Frame 4tet. Its debut is listed below. Rehearsals have been good but I have no idea what it will actually be like to play the charts in public. If you can't make the Hideout show... the tour starts in Antwerp and drifts across Europe as far east as Crakow and Zagreb. Maybe you can make one of them.
12/27/2006 10:00 PM - Frame Quartet - Hideout
12/28/2006 10:00 PM - Vandermark Double Quartet - Elastic
12/29/2006 07:00 PM - Vandermark 5 - Beat Kitchen (Benefit For The Jackson Presley Diamond Fund, The National Vaccine Information Center, Physicians for a National Health Program, Children’s Neurobiological Solutions Foundation, Easter Seals! Several other bands are on the bill!
In January... well... who knows? The Frame tour is from the 10th until the 26th. Will post the dates soon.
AM hoping your holidays (whichever ones you like) are good.