
taking it easy

So... back in one piece. The folks at American Airlines managed to arrive early even though they left late and... my luggage was even on the same flight as me! Amazing! This was fortunate as I was cutting it close for the gig last night. Fortunately, everything worked out. Vancouver, Seattle and Portland were a blast. Thanks to all the folks who helped make it happen especially Torsten and Ken, Tom, Carl, Tara and you!
So... am on holiday with the exception of a concert Sunday playing a Guillermo Gregrio piece at the Cultural Center with the Maverick ensemble. After that...
Friday March 3 the Valentine Trio play at Maxim's for the "Stop Smiling" (magazine) party. We'll have a couple of guests sit in (Greg Ward and Matt Schneider).
Tuesday March 7 the Vandermark Five at the Empty Bottle.
Read you later!

PS - "Bridges Freeze Before..." for those who are interested, is available from Longbox - http://www.longboxrecordings.com/ You might also find it in your finer independant record store.
Some may also be interested in "Pillow Plays Brotzmann" on Bottrop Boy - ebay.com?



Greetings from the road! Vandermark 5 tour going very well so far. The band has been playing great and the audiences have been friendly and appreciative. What more can one ask for?
After I get back to Chicago, a few trio gigs and then off to Vancouver for the Time Flies Festival.
2/8 Valentine Trio (Roebke,Rosaly) - Empty Bottle
2/10 Valentine Trio - Danny's
2/13 Paul Giallorenzo Trio (w/Mike Reed) - Sylvie's
2/15-18 Time Flies - Vancouver http://www.coastaljazz.ca/index.php for more info
2/19 Torsten Mueller/Frank Gratowski/Kjell Nordenson/FLH - Seattle (5:00 PM at Consolidated Works)
2/20 Torsten Mueller/Frank Gratowski/Kjell Nordenson/FLH - Portland (8:00 at Blue Monk)
2/22 FLH 4tet (G. Gregorio/J. Roebke/G. Kotche) Spare Room (Chicago)