
dog days!

Rest of July... pretty quiet overall. Doing some non-music work and as much music work as I can afford! :)
Fast Citizen, Stirrup, Fred/Strid, Seval, Erb 4tet, Bro/Lo-Ho, Screw and Straw discs all in various states of completion!
Here's a rough idea of what the next 4 weeks look like:
19 - Whistler - "Early Music 4" with J. Falzone, F.J. Rosaly and J. Stein.
23 - Acre (western Wisconsin) - solo
24 - Hungry Brain - with C. Erb, J. Roebke and Rosaly
28 - Elastic with J. Baker and Erb
August 1 - Myopic with J. Berman
August 4-7 - Hagenfesten (Dala Floda Sweden) w/ Seval (Jernberg, Lonberg-Holm, Stackenäs, Strandberg, Thorman)... AND... a duo set with Lotte Anker.
August 9 - Something somewhere in Stockholm
August 10 - Mono - Oslo with Staale Liavik and Per Zanussi
8/11 - Something somewhere in Oslo
August 13 - Karlsøya Fest w/ Staale Liavik and Per Zanussi

Personal front: Just back from visiting Winston at the hospital. Biopsy done today seems to indicate cancer. Waiting for results. Meanwhile, he is being kept medicated and aside from not being "himself" is doing pretty well. Send good vibes if you have any to spare. Thanks!


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